Monday, July 6, 2009

Land of the Free

There was a whole lot of watermelon and swimming this weekend -- and a lot of potty breaks and sunscreen. I love the fourth of July. It is probably my favorite holiday of the year. I love the outpouring of American spirit that unfortunatley only seems to come at this time of year. I love patriotic music. The words from the American Hymns are truly inspiring. And who doesn't love a good march? Give me some John Phillips Susa to march around to with my daughter, and I am a happy woman. I love sitting out in the hot summer night watching fireworks, anticipating the finale, with a big smile on my face.

I love learning about the history of this great country, and gleaning facts about our Founding Fathers. This year I learned that the signing of the Declaration of Independence actually took place on August 8th - not July 4th. But I don't care what day we celebrate our freedom on - as long as we get the chance to celebrate being the Land of the Free.

I love knowing that this country was not founded by chance or coincidence - but because it was the will of God. And that these brave and courageous men were inspired by Him in their choices and actions.

I also love knowing that there are still brave and courageous men and women willing to sacrifice for the love of their country. I love reading books like Lone Survivor, to learn about men of honor and valor, who suffered mightily to ensure the freedoms we enjoy today. I love knowing that some of those great men were my father's brothers, who bravely served in WWII.
I love this country and the freedoms I enjoy daily. "May this heaven rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!" - Star Spangled Banner

Sunday, June 28, 2009

do re mi fa so la ti do

Watching this brings a smile to my face. I am dreaming of a world like this, where we can break out into song and dance whenever and wherever we want.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sunshine and Smiles

I tried - I really did. I made promises to myself that I would never start one of these crazy things called a blog where you purposely disclose the details of your daily life.

But somehow I got sucked in. It started innocently - just lurking on other people's blogs, reading their ramblings about what happend that day. I didn't sign up to follow any certain blog; rather I would randomly look at various friends and family members entries.

I almost started to feel like a Peeping Tom, catching glimpses of other people's happiness and failures, their passions and creativity. And soon my lurking became an obsession. I thought, "why am I so interested in reading about these little details?" I soon came to realize that reading about the way other people live made me somehow feel more normal. It was like getting invited to someone's house and being able to look under their bed and in their closet, to see what secrets you can discover. And all of these little details are exciting.

One day I came across a quote byRobert Brault that said, "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big." So why not share these little things that make up the everyday? Like right now - I'm loving the sunshine and smiles.