Friday, May 29, 2009

Sunshine and Smiles

I tried - I really did. I made promises to myself that I would never start one of these crazy things called a blog where you purposely disclose the details of your daily life.

But somehow I got sucked in. It started innocently - just lurking on other people's blogs, reading their ramblings about what happend that day. I didn't sign up to follow any certain blog; rather I would randomly look at various friends and family members entries.

I almost started to feel like a Peeping Tom, catching glimpses of other people's happiness and failures, their passions and creativity. And soon my lurking became an obsession. I thought, "why am I so interested in reading about these little details?" I soon came to realize that reading about the way other people live made me somehow feel more normal. It was like getting invited to someone's house and being able to look under their bed and in their closet, to see what secrets you can discover. And all of these little details are exciting.

One day I came across a quote byRobert Brault that said, "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big." So why not share these little things that make up the everyday? Like right now - I'm loving the sunshine and smiles.