After a gentle suggestion (from Jeff), he bought this book for me. At first glance, I thumbed through it with a lot of trepidation and some hope. I have never considered myself a runner. My last race was almost three years ago. At that time I felt like I still had some athletic mojo. Jeff has always had it. And in the past three years he has really taken to the road, and I have taken to the couch. I think he was wanting to do something for me to help get me inspired.
The pull to stay at home with the kids and do nothing is very strong. But I know that running makes me feel more powerful, competent, strong and optimistic. Being away from it for such a prolonged amount of time, has really pushed this into the shadows of my mind. I needed some motivation. Because, really, who wouldn't rather sit at home and hold a sweet little baby?
This book was just what I needed. These women are real and honest. Their training tips are great because they are rooted in an understanding of all the things moms use as excuses NOT to run. They somehow got me itching to start lacing up my shoes again.
Their gentle nagging and encouragement to make exercise time non-negotiable reminds me of the wise message I hear at the beginning of every airline flight, "Please secure your own oxygen mask first, then help your children put on theirs."
So I am determined to become a runner again. I will be starting out with a lot of walking and jogging. I am already one week into my couch to 5k running plan. It is helping me get off the couch and on the road again. I am trying to ease back into running gradually. I know that I can't start off too fast, or my body will rebel and I will wind up miserable. But I have a feeling that I am going to get impatient and be tempted to skip ahead in the program. I have two months to go. So, in the mean time, I will keep running like a mother.