Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Card Conundrum

Receiving Christmas cards is lots of fun. I especially love the ones that include photos. However, if I am being completely honest, sending cards out is not my favorite thing to do. I enjoy being done with it, but I don’t really enjoy the process of doing it. I get caught up in trying to find that perfect picture to use with the card, and trying to decide what else to include in the cards, how many cards to send, when to send them out, and now, wondering if it is too late to send them out and still get there by Christmas! And not that our friends and family are not worth it, but the cost of the cards and postage quickly add up too. I also wonder how many will be returned with a now outdated address.

This year as I contemplated this Christmas card conundrum, I had an epiphany. Since I always seem to be a day late and a dollar short, I would send out a Christmas card, but it would be one that would work double duty for me. I had already ordered baby announcements for Joshua that never got sent in the busy months following his birth, so why not just use those cards and include an updated family photo for everyone to see how much he has already grown and changed.

I am excited that I will only be sending out one set of cards with this idea and yet will be able to cross two more things off of my ever growing to do list. Merry Chistmas and happy birthday!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter Wonderland - Arizona Style

I love being an Arizona native. As I read about horrible weather conditions with blizzards and freezing rain, it makes me even happier that I live where I do and get to enjoy some of the greatest weather in the world.

Palm trees wave, are you listening?
In the pool, water's glistening.
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.

Gone away is the blizzard,
Here to stay is the lizard.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.

In the desert we will have a picnic,
Cactus, sand, rattlesnakes and sun.
Christmas dinner is an old tradition,
It's pinto beans and tacos by the ton.

Later on, we'll perspire,
As the temperature rises higher.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.

In the desert we don't shovel snow, man.
There's no ice to make us slip and slide.
All the houses here are air conditioned,
So we can all get cold when we're inside.

Later on, if we're wishing,
We can golf or go fishing.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.

I'm off to enjoy some sunshine!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Goals for this Christmas

Juliette is finally old enough that she really understands about celebrating holidays and having traditions. Unfortunately, a few days ago when I asked her who we celebrate at Christmas, she replied, "Santa Claus!" I thought long and hard about this and decided that obviously we need to do things a little differently around here.

In spite of what every retailer in America would have you believe, for me, the Christmas season doesn't start until the weekend following Thanksgiving. And this year we are starting the traditon of only four gifts: something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read. We still might do a large family shared gift, but that is to be determined.

With that as my goal, the good news is that I am pretty much ready for Christmas. I have realized that if I really want to enjoy the TRUE MEANING of the Christmas season, I must not be standing in line, buying, listing, stressed, annoyed, snappy, away from my family or dragging my family to some crazy busy store, buying, buying, buying! I tried to use the entire year to plan ahead and avoid the crowds, shop in peace and actually find some good deals without having to get up at 3am to go to Walmart. This December will hopefully bring silent nights with peace and joy.

I really would love to have an old fashioned Christmas since I am not in love with the new-fangled kind. I think back to stories my parents told about Christmas when one gift was enough and the focus was more about spending time together as a family, having a holiday meal and enjoying a crackling fire together. It would be nice to have a time filled with sweet moments and anticipation of things to come and less about holiday parties, black Friday sales, loads of meaningless gifts, fancy trees and a million meaningless traditions instead of a few really good ones.

Sometimes I just need a reminder to bring things back to what life is all about. what it SHOULD be about. I have to make little adjustments so that I don't get caught up in all the craziness that I have allowed into my life - distracting and overwhelming me.

I hope this season to stay centered and focused. It is easy to let myself get caught up in the millions of super cute craft ideas, pages of yummy looking recipes, and beautiful decorating ideas that make me want more. There is NO way I can try everything, have my house look like a magazine and stay focused on how I really want my heart to feel this Christmas.

This year I let Juliette help with the decorating. It isn't organized perfectly, but for us it is perfectly beautiful. I know I won't have many years where she will want to help mom do things. The time will come soon enough when I will be wishing I had some little hands to try and hang all the ornaments on one branch of the tree, instead of having the picture perfect Christmas tree.

I love how she set up all our nativity sceans - everyone grouped close together with Mary and Joseph snuggled up next to baby Jesus.

I am excited to create traditions that my children love, like gingerbread house decorating with daddy. But I also need to remember that if we add too many new traditions every year, we will end up with so many they all lose their importance.

Hopefully my efforts will help us concentrate on the real meaning behind this wonderful holiday. With enough little reminders we should be able to have lots of fun and still sweetly celebrate the birth of our Savior.