I haven't been much of a journal keeper lately. But I know that I will want to remember the richness of my life during this wonderful time and it will be fading into the far corners of my mind not too long from now. So here is a synopsis of the little things I am loving right now.
I love that Josh is fully mobile now. He has mastered his crawling (no more belly-flop-sliding crawl) and is off to explore and discover the entire house.
I love that he isn't afraid to be in a room all by himself when I need to leave him for a minute.
I love how he has discovered the toilet paper and will stand there and unroll the entire thing laughing.
I love how he stands up in his crib with a big smile when I come in to get him.
I love how he gets impatient when I don't feed him fast enough. He will smack his hand on the tray of his highchair to let me know he is waiting and that I need to move faster.
I love how he tries to rock back and forth in his highchair when he likes what I am feeding him (until he hits his head and cries.)
I love how Juliette can make him belly laugh while we are riding in the car together and the special bond the two of them have.
I love how he already seems to know how to push Juliette's buttons.
I love that he is happy to have me brush his two little teeth, and always laughs when I do.
I love how he gives me open mouth kisses when he sees somthing that I am eating that he wants.
I love how he likes to sing along with the hymns at church or when I am singing to him before bed.
I love how he tries to help me close the door and turn off the light before he takes a nap.
I love how he grunts and makes little boy noises.
I love how he sucks his lips in and looks like a little old man who forgot to put his dentures in that day.
I love how he kicks his feet in the water to splash when I'm giving him a bath.
I love how he already knows how to smile and ham it up whenever I get the camera out.
I love how he purses his lips together like hw is going to give you a big kiss and then blows and spits.
I love how he is so easy going and will go to anyone and is pretty happy-go-lucky.
Life is good right now. Now if could just get him to sleep through the night again...!