Monday, July 6, 2009

Land of the Free

There was a whole lot of watermelon and swimming this weekend -- and a lot of potty breaks and sunscreen. I love the fourth of July. It is probably my favorite holiday of the year. I love the outpouring of American spirit that unfortunatley only seems to come at this time of year. I love patriotic music. The words from the American Hymns are truly inspiring. And who doesn't love a good march? Give me some John Phillips Susa to march around to with my daughter, and I am a happy woman. I love sitting out in the hot summer night watching fireworks, anticipating the finale, with a big smile on my face.

I love learning about the history of this great country, and gleaning facts about our Founding Fathers. This year I learned that the signing of the Declaration of Independence actually took place on August 8th - not July 4th. But I don't care what day we celebrate our freedom on - as long as we get the chance to celebrate being the Land of the Free.

I love knowing that this country was not founded by chance or coincidence - but because it was the will of God. And that these brave and courageous men were inspired by Him in their choices and actions.

I also love knowing that there are still brave and courageous men and women willing to sacrifice for the love of their country. I love reading books like Lone Survivor, to learn about men of honor and valor, who suffered mightily to ensure the freedoms we enjoy today. I love knowing that some of those great men were my father's brothers, who bravely served in WWII.
I love this country and the freedoms I enjoy daily. "May this heaven rescued land praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!" - Star Spangled Banner