It seems like milestones are something so many moms look forward to. I was one of those moms too, with Juliette. But something was different for me this time. With Joshua I seemed to sink into a baby bliss. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to soak in this baby enough. His expressions. His curled up body. His little noises. Surprisingly, while dealing with a newborn, I was hit with wanting another newborn. I am not anxiously looking forward to his next milestones. I just want him to stay little.
Don't get me wrong. I was in love with Juliette from the start too. But as a new mom, never having raised a baby before, there were many days I didn't think I was going to make it. I learned that the days may go by slow, but the weeks and months fly by with lightning speed. I also learned that if you don't take it one day at a time, all the years ahead can seem overwhelming.
So I guess I am truly greatful to Juliette for teaching me about the greatest and most important thing I have ever attempted in my life - being a mother. She made me realize what I wanted to be when I grew up, and that I could enjoy being just a mom.
Those three little words used to bother me - just a mom. But now I love that that is what I am. And I wouldn't trade being just a mom for anything in the world.
Before having Josh, I heard many pros and cons of having a second child. Thankfully it has turned out much better than I could have ever hoped for. I know there will be plenty of crazy days in our future. But I can't help but look at these two faces and smile - because I love them both so much. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
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