Juliette started preschool this week. She is in heaven because she is finally in the four year old class and has the same teachers that Jacob had last year - Mrs. Osborn and Ms. Miller.
I was worried that four days a week might be too much for her. But today she asked me why she couldn't go on Fridays too. I think she enjoys having someone to play with other than mom.
I have been noticing quite a few changes with Juliette lately. She is becoming much more independent and starting to do more things by herself. I can't decide if I like the changes or not. She's growing up and in some ways it's so refreshing to have a child that doesn't require as much assistance. On the other hand, I'm having a hard time giving up some of the control. I'm suddenly seeing flashes of waving good-bye to her from the door while she takes off driving by herself, heading to who knows where with who knows who!
She also has be getting a little too sassy lately. One particularly rough day we called Jeff for a daddy daughter talk. He told her to go to her room and change her pants. Juliette wanted to know why. He then explained that she had her sassy pants on and she needed to change them.
Here is to hoping that school will be the positive influence and change that we need right now.
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