It is cool to can. The old-time practice of preserving fresh, homemade food is now a staple for our family.
The thought of canning my own food used to scare scare me half to death. The whole process seemed too daunting, too large. But one day I took the plunge, and I’m so glad that I did. There are so many wonderful recipes to enjoy.
Right now our house is filled with the bounties of the season. Over the past week we have been busy canning. We stocked up on beef, pears, green chilies and mangos. It is wonderful to be able to go to the cupboard and pull out a little bit of summer whenever I feel like it.
I don't think that people realize what they are missing out on. There is nothing better than enjoying the fruits of our homemade labor. And the memories we are making together as a family is just as sweet. Through this process I also feel closer to my ancestors - like I understand some of the efforts they lived and went through. It truly is an art well worth preserving.
Even though Jeff and I have been canning for a few years, it never fails that after we carefully take out the jars, we still anxiously wait for that loud “pop” that lets us know the jars have sealed properly. It is very rewarding activity. And I feel a surge of pride when I look in our pantry and see it well stocked with yummy food and memories.
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