Receiving Christmas cards is lots of fun. I especially love the ones that include photos. However, if I am being completely honest, sending cards out is not my favorite thing to do. I enjoy being done with it, but I don’t really enjoy the process of doing it. I get caught up in trying to find that perfect picture to use with the card, and trying to decide what else to include in the cards, how many cards to send, when to send them out, and now, wondering if it is too late to send them out and still get there by Christmas! And not that our friends and family are not worth it, but the cost of the cards and postage quickly add up too. I also wonder how many will be returned with a now outdated address.
This year as I contemplated this Christmas card conundrum, I had an epiphany. Since I always seem to be a day late and a dollar short, I would send out a Christmas card, but it would be one that would work double duty for me. I had already ordered baby announcements for Joshua that never got sent in the busy months following his birth, so why not just use those cards and include an updated family photo for everyone to see how much he has already grown and changed.
I am excited that I will only be sending out one set of cards with this idea and yet will be able to cross two more things off of my ever growing to do list. Merry Chistmas and happy birthday!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Winter Wonderland - Arizona Style
I love being an Arizona native. As I read about horrible weather conditions with blizzards and freezing rain, it makes me even happier that I live where I do and get to enjoy some of the greatest weather in the world.
Palm trees wave, are you listening?
In the pool, water's glistening.
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
Gone away is the blizzard,
Here to stay is the lizard.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
In the desert we will have a picnic,
Cactus, sand, rattlesnakes and sun.
Christmas dinner is an old tradition,
It's pinto beans and tacos by the ton.
Later on, we'll perspire,
As the temperature rises higher.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
In the desert we don't shovel snow, man.
There's no ice to make us slip and slide.
All the houses here are air conditioned,
So we can all get cold when we're inside.
Later on, if we're wishing,
We can golf or go fishing.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
I'm off to enjoy some sunshine!
Palm trees wave, are you listening?
In the pool, water's glistening.
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
Gone away is the blizzard,
Here to stay is the lizard.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
In the desert we will have a picnic,
Cactus, sand, rattlesnakes and sun.
Christmas dinner is an old tradition,
It's pinto beans and tacos by the ton.
Later on, we'll perspire,
As the temperature rises higher.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
In the desert we don't shovel snow, man.
There's no ice to make us slip and slide.
All the houses here are air conditioned,
So we can all get cold when we're inside.
Later on, if we're wishing,
We can golf or go fishing.
A warm sunny day, we like it that way,
Living in a Phoenix Wonderland.
I'm off to enjoy some sunshine!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Goals for this Christmas
Juliette is finally old enough that she really understands about celebrating holidays and having traditions. Unfortunately, a few days ago when I asked her who we celebrate at Christmas, she replied, "Santa Claus!" I thought long and hard about this and decided that obviously we need to do things a little differently around here.
In spite of what every retailer in America would have you believe, for me, the Christmas season doesn't start until the weekend following Thanksgiving. And this year we are starting the traditon of only four gifts: something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read. We still might do a large family shared gift, but that is to be determined.
With that as my goal, the good news is that I am pretty much ready for Christmas. I have realized that if I really want to enjoy the TRUE MEANING of the Christmas season, I must not be standing in line, buying, listing, stressed, annoyed, snappy, away from my family or dragging my family to some crazy busy store, buying, buying, buying! I tried to use the entire year to plan ahead and avoid the crowds, shop in peace and actually find some good deals without having to get up at 3am to go to Walmart. This December will hopefully bring silent nights with peace and joy.
I really would love to have an old fashioned Christmas since I am not in love with the new-fangled kind. I think back to stories my parents told about Christmas when one gift was enough and the focus was more about spending time together as a family, having a holiday meal and enjoying a crackling fire together. It would be nice to have a time filled with sweet moments and anticipation of things to come and less about holiday parties, black Friday sales, loads of meaningless gifts, fancy trees and a million meaningless traditions instead of a few really good ones.
Sometimes I just need a reminder to bring things back to what life is all about. what it SHOULD be about. I have to make little adjustments so that I don't get caught up in all the craziness that I have allowed into my life - distracting and overwhelming me.
I hope this season to stay centered and focused. It is easy to let myself get caught up in the millions of super cute craft ideas, pages of yummy looking recipes, and beautiful decorating ideas that make me want more. There is NO way I can try everything, have my house look like a magazine and stay focused on how I really want my heart to feel this Christmas.
This year I let Juliette help with the decorating. It isn't organized perfectly, but for us it is perfectly beautiful. I know I won't have many years where she will want to help mom do things. The time will come soon enough when I will be wishing I had some little hands to try and hang all the ornaments on one branch of the tree, instead of having the picture perfect Christmas tree.
I love how she set up all our nativity sceans - everyone grouped close together with Mary and Joseph snuggled up next to baby Jesus.
I am excited to create traditions that my children love, like gingerbread house decorating with daddy. But I also need to remember that if we add too many new traditions every year, we will end up with so many they all lose their importance.
Hopefully my efforts will help us concentrate on the real meaning behind this wonderful holiday. With enough little reminders we should be able to have lots of fun and still sweetly celebrate the birth of our Savior.
In spite of what every retailer in America would have you believe, for me, the Christmas season doesn't start until the weekend following Thanksgiving. And this year we are starting the traditon of only four gifts: something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read. We still might do a large family shared gift, but that is to be determined.
With that as my goal, the good news is that I am pretty much ready for Christmas. I have realized that if I really want to enjoy the TRUE MEANING of the Christmas season, I must not be standing in line, buying, listing, stressed, annoyed, snappy, away from my family or dragging my family to some crazy busy store, buying, buying, buying! I tried to use the entire year to plan ahead and avoid the crowds, shop in peace and actually find some good deals without having to get up at 3am to go to Walmart. This December will hopefully bring silent nights with peace and joy.
I really would love to have an old fashioned Christmas since I am not in love with the new-fangled kind. I think back to stories my parents told about Christmas when one gift was enough and the focus was more about spending time together as a family, having a holiday meal and enjoying a crackling fire together. It would be nice to have a time filled with sweet moments and anticipation of things to come and less about holiday parties, black Friday sales, loads of meaningless gifts, fancy trees and a million meaningless traditions instead of a few really good ones.
Sometimes I just need a reminder to bring things back to what life is all about. what it SHOULD be about. I have to make little adjustments so that I don't get caught up in all the craziness that I have allowed into my life - distracting and overwhelming me.
I hope this season to stay centered and focused. It is easy to let myself get caught up in the millions of super cute craft ideas, pages of yummy looking recipes, and beautiful decorating ideas that make me want more. There is NO way I can try everything, have my house look like a magazine and stay focused on how I really want my heart to feel this Christmas.
This year I let Juliette help with the decorating. It isn't organized perfectly, but for us it is perfectly beautiful. I know I won't have many years where she will want to help mom do things. The time will come soon enough when I will be wishing I had some little hands to try and hang all the ornaments on one branch of the tree, instead of having the picture perfect Christmas tree.
I love how she set up all our nativity sceans - everyone grouped close together with Mary and Joseph snuggled up next to baby Jesus.
I am excited to create traditions that my children love, like gingerbread house decorating with daddy. But I also need to remember that if we add too many new traditions every year, we will end up with so many they all lose their importance.
Hopefully my efforts will help us concentrate on the real meaning behind this wonderful holiday. With enough little reminders we should be able to have lots of fun and still sweetly celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
As a stay at home mom, I have recognized lately that a lot of time is devoted to picking up after other people. I think anyone who has children understands this. We all have so much stuff! And if you are not a super organized, OCD person, things don't like to get put away. Every two weeks I start with a fresh slate after the cleaning lady comes, and I have the best intentions of keeping everything clean and organized. But then somehow life gets in the way, toys get scattered and dishes start to pile up. I often wonder how a large kitchen table can become covered in paper and junk in just one afternoon.
So for the past few months I have been reading magazines and blogs about organizing and decluttering your house and life. I always come away filled with a fervor to simplify my surroundings and get rid of half of the stuff in our house.
What I don't understand is my desire to purge the junk in our house and then continue to buy more junk to replace it!
Today I got a catalog in the mail filled with everthing you never knew you couldn't live without. And this month I am afraid to open up these same magazines that I have been reading that tell me how to organize and manage my surroundings, because of their gift guides and lists of things to get for everyone in your life. I always find about 52 new things I want. Of couse I don't NEED any of them, but I feel like I must get a few of them - it is Christmas after all! And at least half of them are for Juliette who doesn't put anything away without my help!
If I could just remember Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Oh well, come December 26, I will be complaining about putting stuff away. But as for today, I'm making a great Christmas list!
So for the past few months I have been reading magazines and blogs about organizing and decluttering your house and life. I always come away filled with a fervor to simplify my surroundings and get rid of half of the stuff in our house.
What I don't understand is my desire to purge the junk in our house and then continue to buy more junk to replace it!
Today I got a catalog in the mail filled with everthing you never knew you couldn't live without. And this month I am afraid to open up these same magazines that I have been reading that tell me how to organize and manage my surroundings, because of their gift guides and lists of things to get for everyone in your life. I always find about 52 new things I want. Of couse I don't NEED any of them, but I feel like I must get a few of them - it is Christmas after all! And at least half of them are for Juliette who doesn't put anything away without my help!
If I could just remember Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Oh well, come December 26, I will be complaining about putting stuff away. But as for today, I'm making a great Christmas list!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Catch Up
I'm not talking about the condiment that you put on a hot dog, but rather how I don't know how I am going to catch up on everything that has been going on while I neglected this blog! I know that sometimes it is just better to cut your losses and move on, but there are too many good things that I need to share.
Am I going crazy? I don't know who exactly I need to share them with since nobody but me reads this wonderfully fantastic blog! Maybe that is a good thing, because then people will never realize just how weird I am and just how often I talk to myself.
Anyway, I hope to catch up on all the good stuff by the end of the month. I know I only have two kiddos, but seriously, sometimes I just can't keep up. But it sure is fun trying to.
Am I going crazy? I don't know who exactly I need to share them with since nobody but me reads this wonderfully fantastic blog! Maybe that is a good thing, because then people will never realize just how weird I am and just how often I talk to myself.
Anyway, I hope to catch up on all the good stuff by the end of the month. I know I only have two kiddos, but seriously, sometimes I just can't keep up. But it sure is fun trying to.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Primary Program
This is the Sunday that I look forward to all year. Especially this year, since Juliette is now a Sunbeam and was able to participate and have her own part.
As a mother, I have come to realize that there is nothing in this world that is more precious than my children. I feel a great responsibility to love, and teach and guide these special spirits back to our Father in Heaven. And thankfully I have the church and the wonderful members of my ward to help me do this.
Like this lovely woman. This is Juliette and her fantastic sunbeam teacher Sister Portnova. She truly loves these children, so they can't help but love her back.

I am especially thankful for priamry. It is such a special time for kids to learn and grow. It is where they really start to learn about Jesus, but they also begin to learn about other gospel principles and concepts too. They learn about commandments and covenants and what they must do to return to live with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

This is especially true in the children’s music that they learn and sing. And I didn’t realize this until this year when my daughter became a sunbeam in primary. Not many years ago the primary songs were about manners and being kind and giving. In my Primary days, we sang songs like Give, Said the Little Stream —and it is certainly sweet and motivating but not exactly theologically heavy. But that is not the case anymore. Now children are taught songs that teach gospel principles, songs that remind them of the things they should be dong. Today’s children sing wonderful songs that are more spiritually focused. And what a wonderful thing this is. Because as Pres. J Reuben Clark said, “We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
This year as the primary children presented their program I was surprised at the beautiful things they taught us through their music. These children learn a hymn from the hymn book each year, and this year it was “Come Follow Me.” They learn songs about knowing that their Savior loves them, about the Holy Ghost as a comforter, and about the plan of Salvation. Elder Boyd K Packer said, “If we will listen, they are teaching the gospel, for the hymns of the Restoration are in fact a course in doctrine.”
I love that my four year old daughter can understand and know about the entire plan of salvation because she learned a song called He sent His Son. I know that these gospel principles she is learning about will stay with her through her entire life. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I truly believe this. I think that the things we learn in our childhood stay with us. We may not remember specific lessons we were taught in Primary. But I am sure that all of us can remember countless primary songs and the gospel principles they teach. These messages they teach are remembered for years.
I love that Juliette loves to share and sing what she has learned in primary. One of her favorite cd's to listen to is the primary songs. We sing as we work, and play, and travel together. I know that every time we sing the primary songs together it strengthens her understanding and testimony of the gospel.

This year the primary theme is I know my Savior lives. The children have the opportunity to feel and understand the great love that our Savior, Jesus Christ has for them.
One of my favorite primary songs that the children learned this year is I’m trying to Be like Jesus. I can’t help but stop at the primary room door and listen when I hear them singing this wonderful song.
All of the song they sang this year were wonderful. And as I watched the children performing on Sunday, I was truly amazed. It seemed to me that they were not just singing; they were declaring their determination. Jesus Christ was their example. To be like Him was their fixed goal. And their eager looks and their shining eyes convinced me that they have no doubts. They expect to succeed. And they will.

Juliette was amazing. She knew all the words to every song and sang with joy. She didn't hesitate to get up and say her part. She said, "Moses was called by God to lead the people out of Egypt." She also got to sing the Noah verse of Follow the Prophet as a solo with a few other girls in the ward. I am so proud of her.
I hope that she will always remember the simple yet profound principles she learned as a child in primary. The words and melodies of Primary songs may be simple, but the message and the power of each one are clear.
As a mother, I have come to realize that there is nothing in this world that is more precious than my children. I feel a great responsibility to love, and teach and guide these special spirits back to our Father in Heaven. And thankfully I have the church and the wonderful members of my ward to help me do this.
Like this lovely woman. This is Juliette and her fantastic sunbeam teacher Sister Portnova. She truly loves these children, so they can't help but love her back.
I am especially thankful for priamry. It is such a special time for kids to learn and grow. It is where they really start to learn about Jesus, but they also begin to learn about other gospel principles and concepts too. They learn about commandments and covenants and what they must do to return to live with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

This is especially true in the children’s music that they learn and sing. And I didn’t realize this until this year when my daughter became a sunbeam in primary. Not many years ago the primary songs were about manners and being kind and giving. In my Primary days, we sang songs like Give, Said the Little Stream —and it is certainly sweet and motivating but not exactly theologically heavy. But that is not the case anymore. Now children are taught songs that teach gospel principles, songs that remind them of the things they should be dong. Today’s children sing wonderful songs that are more spiritually focused. And what a wonderful thing this is. Because as Pres. J Reuben Clark said, “We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”

I love that my four year old daughter can understand and know about the entire plan of salvation because she learned a song called He sent His Son. I know that these gospel principles she is learning about will stay with her through her entire life. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I truly believe this. I think that the things we learn in our childhood stay with us. We may not remember specific lessons we were taught in Primary. But I am sure that all of us can remember countless primary songs and the gospel principles they teach. These messages they teach are remembered for years.
I love that Juliette loves to share and sing what she has learned in primary. One of her favorite cd's to listen to is the primary songs. We sing as we work, and play, and travel together. I know that every time we sing the primary songs together it strengthens her understanding and testimony of the gospel.

This year the primary theme is I know my Savior lives. The children have the opportunity to feel and understand the great love that our Savior, Jesus Christ has for them.
One of my favorite primary songs that the children learned this year is I’m trying to Be like Jesus. I can’t help but stop at the primary room door and listen when I hear them singing this wonderful song.
All of the song they sang this year were wonderful. And as I watched the children performing on Sunday, I was truly amazed. It seemed to me that they were not just singing; they were declaring their determination. Jesus Christ was their example. To be like Him was their fixed goal. And their eager looks and their shining eyes convinced me that they have no doubts. They expect to succeed. And they will.

Juliette was amazing. She knew all the words to every song and sang with joy. She didn't hesitate to get up and say her part. She said, "Moses was called by God to lead the people out of Egypt." She also got to sing the Noah verse of Follow the Prophet as a solo with a few other girls in the ward. I am so proud of her.
I hope that she will always remember the simple yet profound principles she learned as a child in primary. The words and melodies of Primary songs may be simple, but the message and the power of each one are clear.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I'm a mom! Now what?
I reacently had someone ask me the question, What should every first time mom know?
This made me think back to the time I was nearing my due date with Juliette. I had read several books, registered at Babies R Us, had a couple of baby showers and prepared myself in every way that I could think of for the arrival of my sweet baby girl. I awaited the big day with pure anticipation. I could hardly wait to hold my new baby in my arms, and finally be comfortable again. Little did I know how much easier it would be to take care of a baby inside me than outside.
I often wonder if other new moms experiences would be anything like mine. Before the birth of my first baby, I had been alerted by countless people, that I should expect life to never be the same again and that it was going to be really hard, but totally worth it. I felt like saying, Duh! I know! I'm having a baby! But while I received the adivce that things were going to be difficult, I quickly came to realize that they never told me the details of just how hard having a baby would be.
I felt a little betrayed by my mother and sisters. As the youngest child I would have expected a little more forewarning of what to expect. And I'm not even talking about the delivery. At least there were doctors and nurses there to help me and be the expert. I had little to no knowledge about all the little things like engorgement and nursing problems, fatigue and chronic bewilderment, and the total loss of any sense of control I had over my life. I had never before experienced anything like this new life I had signed up for.
A few of the most difficult feelings for me were those of loneliness, a sense that I had to shoulder the burden myself, and utter incompetence. I thought that surely my sisters and mother would laugh at me if they knew what a difficult time I was having. I looked at the women in my family as the pillars of motherhood, and I never saw any of them having the difficulites I was experiencing.
I dreaded every morning when Jeff would leave for work, because then I was forced to be the expert on how to take care of my baby. Some days, the unrelenting dependence of that tiny creature seemed more than I could bear.
Thankfully, I did adjust eventually, and now four years and two children later, I'm happy to report that I no longer find newborn babies to be intimidating. In fact, I think they are wonderful. It is such a sweet time to cherish. (But four year olds...?)
There are so many new, uncomfortable feelings and unique struggles that can come along with a first baby. I don't know if a new mother can ever really know what awaits her. I don't know if there is anything you could say to a new mom to prepare her for both the stress and success that she will feel. It is all part of the motherhood process. It is something you have to experience for yourself. Because there is truly nothing harder or better than being a mother.
This made me think back to the time I was nearing my due date with Juliette. I had read several books, registered at Babies R Us, had a couple of baby showers and prepared myself in every way that I could think of for the arrival of my sweet baby girl. I awaited the big day with pure anticipation. I could hardly wait to hold my new baby in my arms, and finally be comfortable again. Little did I know how much easier it would be to take care of a baby inside me than outside.
I often wonder if other new moms experiences would be anything like mine. Before the birth of my first baby, I had been alerted by countless people, that I should expect life to never be the same again and that it was going to be really hard, but totally worth it. I felt like saying, Duh! I know! I'm having a baby! But while I received the adivce that things were going to be difficult, I quickly came to realize that they never told me the details of just how hard having a baby would be.
I felt a little betrayed by my mother and sisters. As the youngest child I would have expected a little more forewarning of what to expect. And I'm not even talking about the delivery. At least there were doctors and nurses there to help me and be the expert. I had little to no knowledge about all the little things like engorgement and nursing problems, fatigue and chronic bewilderment, and the total loss of any sense of control I had over my life. I had never before experienced anything like this new life I had signed up for.
A few of the most difficult feelings for me were those of loneliness, a sense that I had to shoulder the burden myself, and utter incompetence. I thought that surely my sisters and mother would laugh at me if they knew what a difficult time I was having. I looked at the women in my family as the pillars of motherhood, and I never saw any of them having the difficulites I was experiencing.
I dreaded every morning when Jeff would leave for work, because then I was forced to be the expert on how to take care of my baby. Some days, the unrelenting dependence of that tiny creature seemed more than I could bear.
Thankfully, I did adjust eventually, and now four years and two children later, I'm happy to report that I no longer find newborn babies to be intimidating. In fact, I think they are wonderful. It is such a sweet time to cherish. (But four year olds...?)
There are so many new, uncomfortable feelings and unique struggles that can come along with a first baby. I don't know if a new mother can ever really know what awaits her. I don't know if there is anything you could say to a new mom to prepare her for both the stress and success that she will feel. It is all part of the motherhood process. It is something you have to experience for yourself. Because there is truly nothing harder or better than being a mother.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I love Vampires
Let me clarify… Stephenie Meyer’s vampires (they are the only ones I know.) They have officially made pasty fashionable. I was completely baffled as a teenager by the fact that many of my friends would turn into bronze goddesses in the sun, and I would end up resembling a tomato. When I did get color it would just be sprinkes of it here and there - those would be my freckles. I have finally come to grips with the fact that my skin doesn’t darken in the sun. In high school I decided to try the so called new and improved self tanners and then quickly decided white was better than Oompa Loompa orange. I will admit that in recent years some of these tan in a bottle have become better - but they only last a day and then rub off on your towel. So I have learned to just own my pastiness and make best friends with SPF. We know that white is delightsome, and now, thanks to sparkly vampires, it’s kinda cool to be pale.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jeff and I have a thing about having guests stay at our house. Call us unfriendly - but we don't really like people staying with us. So much to my surprise, Sunday morning I woke up to a new houseguest. He has been here for the past four days and I think he is here to stay.
We have been sharing our bedroom with him, which I was worried about. It is a little strange to wake up with someone staring down at you from above, but as long as he doesn't touch me, I think we will get along just fine.
He actually gets along with our family really well. He stays to himself and doesn't make any noise. He also takes care of himself and helps to clean up around the house. So I have decided that he is welcome to stay as long as he wants.
Meet the newest member of our household...
We have been sharing our bedroom with him, which I was worried about. It is a little strange to wake up with someone staring down at you from above, but as long as he doesn't touch me, I think we will get along just fine.
He actually gets along with our family really well. He stays to himself and doesn't make any noise. He also takes care of himself and helps to clean up around the house. So I have decided that he is welcome to stay as long as he wants.
Meet the newest member of our household...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The lost art of canning
It is cool to can. The old-time practice of preserving fresh, homemade food is now a staple for our family.
The thought of canning my own food used to scare scare me half to death. The whole process seemed too daunting, too large. But one day I took the plunge, and I’m so glad that I did. There are so many wonderful recipes to enjoy.
Right now our house is filled with the bounties of the season. Over the past week we have been busy canning. We stocked up on beef, pears, green chilies and mangos. It is wonderful to be able to go to the cupboard and pull out a little bit of summer whenever I feel like it.
I don't think that people realize what they are missing out on. There is nothing better than enjoying the fruits of our homemade labor. And the memories we are making together as a family is just as sweet. Through this process I also feel closer to my ancestors - like I understand some of the efforts they lived and went through. It truly is an art well worth preserving.
Even though Jeff and I have been canning for a few years, it never fails that after we carefully take out the jars, we still anxiously wait for that loud “pop” that lets us know the jars have sealed properly. It is very rewarding activity. And I feel a surge of pride when I look in our pantry and see it well stocked with yummy food and memories.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Go to bed already!
I have discovered something about myself. If I am up working on the computer at night, I have a hard time stopping. I end up being up very late and at the end I find I am not doing anything productive, just killing time doing things like checking random blogs instead of crawling into bed. I don’t understand this. This very minute I am writing a blog post instead of going to bed.
Knowing this about myself, I decided to shift my computer time to earlier in the day so that I don’t get caught online late at night. However, I find that late at night I have the most uninterrupted time. I feel like I actually have Jenny time. So once again I am back in the silly habit of staying up and do nothing once I am done with my day.
You think I would learn from my mistakes. Goodnight!
Knowing this about myself, I decided to shift my computer time to earlier in the day so that I don’t get caught online late at night. However, I find that late at night I have the most uninterrupted time. I feel like I actually have Jenny time. So once again I am back in the silly habit of staying up and do nothing once I am done with my day.
You think I would learn from my mistakes. Goodnight!
Friday, August 27, 2010
School Days
Juliette started preschool this week. She is in heaven because she is finally in the four year old class and has the same teachers that Jacob had last year - Mrs. Osborn and Ms. Miller.
I was worried that four days a week might be too much for her. But today she asked me why she couldn't go on Fridays too. I think she enjoys having someone to play with other than mom.
I have been noticing quite a few changes with Juliette lately. She is becoming much more independent and starting to do more things by herself. I can't decide if I like the changes or not. She's growing up and in some ways it's so refreshing to have a child that doesn't require as much assistance. On the other hand, I'm having a hard time giving up some of the control. I'm suddenly seeing flashes of waving good-bye to her from the door while she takes off driving by herself, heading to who knows where with who knows who!
She also has be getting a little too sassy lately. One particularly rough day we called Jeff for a daddy daughter talk. He told her to go to her room and change her pants. Juliette wanted to know why. He then explained that she had her sassy pants on and she needed to change them.
Here is to hoping that school will be the positive influence and change that we need right now.
Summer Hiking
For most of the country, hiking is a great activity to do in the summer. But in Arizona, walking up a mountain in 100+ weather is a little crazy. This summer, we decided to be a lot crazy, and took up hiking as a family activity.

This was our first hike together with Josh. After enduring our first short and sweaty nature walk we got a little smarter and decided to drive up to Pine and hike in the cooler weather. Little did we know that a cold front was moving in that day and the temperature would drop into the fiftys.
Obviously,the weather is never something that stops this family. And luckily the sun eventually came out and it made for a beautiful day.

Juliette found a walking stick to help her keep her balance while crossing the small stream we hiked along.

We even put Juliette to work as our photographer.

We had a great time - especially Juliette. Luckily we remembered to bring a change of clothes for the ride home.

We have enjoyed a few other hikes closer to home since then. And hopefully we can start to get out and enjoy nature a little more without either freezing or getting heat stroke. One of these days we might get it figured out.
This was our first hike together with Josh. After enduring our first short and sweaty nature walk we got a little smarter and decided to drive up to Pine and hike in the cooler weather. Little did we know that a cold front was moving in that day and the temperature would drop into the fiftys.
Obviously,the weather is never something that stops this family. And luckily the sun eventually came out and it made for a beautiful day.
Juliette found a walking stick to help her keep her balance while crossing the small stream we hiked along.
We even put Juliette to work as our photographer.
We had a great time - especially Juliette. Luckily we remembered to bring a change of clothes for the ride home.
We have enjoyed a few other hikes closer to home since then. And hopefully we can start to get out and enjoy nature a little more without either freezing or getting heat stroke. One of these days we might get it figured out.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Lucky Boys
Juliette: Dad I wish I was a boy so I could pee standing up.
Jeff: Oh really?
Juliette: Yeah, I tried it once and it didn't work too well.
Boys are sure lucky!
Jeff: Oh really?
Juliette: Yeah, I tried it once and it didn't work too well.
Boys are sure lucky!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sweet Feet
I am halfway through my couch to 5k running program. Here are my shoes of choice.

They are called five fingers, but Juliette calles them my toe shoes and the cousins in Utah call them my Gorilla toes. Jeff got me started on barefoot running. It really is amazing the difference these shoes make. My running form has improved greatly.
Here are the other shoes that I run in.

Since I have been doing most of my running in the evening, I thought these might help light my way home or at least make me noticable to the cars on the road. Juliette loves that they have sparkles on the sides. I have to admit that I quite like the sparkles too.
The running has been going pretty good, except for when I have to haul these two along for the ride.

I guess what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.
They are called five fingers, but Juliette calles them my toe shoes and the cousins in Utah call them my Gorilla toes. Jeff got me started on barefoot running. It really is amazing the difference these shoes make. My running form has improved greatly.
Here are the other shoes that I run in.
Since I have been doing most of my running in the evening, I thought these might help light my way home or at least make me noticable to the cars on the road. Juliette loves that they have sparkles on the sides. I have to admit that I quite like the sparkles too.
The running has been going pretty good, except for when I have to haul these two along for the ride.
I guess what doesn't kill me will only make me stronger.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Tonight is the night. We started Josh's sleep training. I know - he's only four months old! But I have to keep reminding myself that it is worth it.

With Juliette I kept putting it off. I don't think I ferberized her until she was almost a year old. I know it is not fun listening to your baby cry. A mother's instinct is to always comfort her baby. But you have to look at it as helping your baby get the sleep he needs (and that you also desperately need). The first couple nights are always hard. I remember feeling like I wanted to cry along with my baby. But that is all it takes. Once it's done, it's done, and then they are great sleepers.
Good sleep habits are so important. Children need their sleep in order to be happy and healthy. And mom's need their sleep in order to survive the day with those happy, healthy children!
With Josh I decided to go cold turkey and get rid of the beanie bed, the swaddle and the boob all at once. I knew I didn't want to have to go through this again. I thought it might be easier this time because I had done it before and had success. But it is never fun to hear your little one cry as you are watching a clock. I prepared myself for the worst. Luckily, he seemed to catch on quickly and only cried for about a half hour before falling asleep. Give me a few more days and hopefully we will all have our good night's sleep and live happily ever after.
With Juliette I kept putting it off. I don't think I ferberized her until she was almost a year old. I know it is not fun listening to your baby cry. A mother's instinct is to always comfort her baby. But you have to look at it as helping your baby get the sleep he needs (and that you also desperately need). The first couple nights are always hard. I remember feeling like I wanted to cry along with my baby. But that is all it takes. Once it's done, it's done, and then they are great sleepers.
Good sleep habits are so important. Children need their sleep in order to be happy and healthy. And mom's need their sleep in order to survive the day with those happy, healthy children!
With Josh I decided to go cold turkey and get rid of the beanie bed, the swaddle and the boob all at once. I knew I didn't want to have to go through this again. I thought it might be easier this time because I had done it before and had success. But it is never fun to hear your little one cry as you are watching a clock. I prepared myself for the worst. Luckily, he seemed to catch on quickly and only cried for about a half hour before falling asleep. Give me a few more days and hopefully we will all have our good night's sleep and live happily ever after.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Today I went to a funeral. His name was Mitch Menlove and he was only 36 years old. He has a beautiful wife Elizabeth, three children and another ready to be born any day.
As I was sitting there listening to his family and friends honor his life, it hit me hard to think how quickly life can change. To go one day from trying to swim through the often mundane-ness of every day life to being thrown into a new world where you are now a single mother trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly you are in an alternate universe where worry seeps into every inch of your body and your heart can't seem to stop aching for your husband and friend.
My heart is breaking for Elizabeth. I can't even imagine being in her shoes. A different life has been unexpectedly thrust into her lap. It makes me want to hold tight to the gift of each day that is "normal." It makes me so greatful for my husband and that I get to enjoy simply another day with him.
It is times like this that remind me of the love and encouragement from Above that becomes so plentiful when we are in a dark, deep trial. It is wonderful to be able to cling to the knowledge of our loving Savior and his amazing plan of salvation that he created for us. And to know that He is watching over all that we do. No matter what trials we may face in life, no matter how we may not really deserve that guiding, comforting hand at times, He's still there.
So, I know things are going to be ok for the Menlove family. Not the kind of "ok" I'm sure they had always envisioned, but the kind of "ok" that is so good...the kind of "ok" where you are going to learn much more than you ever anticipated and that will give you the potential to become that much stronger and that much better. That is the power behind change.
As I was sitting there listening to his family and friends honor his life, it hit me hard to think how quickly life can change. To go one day from trying to swim through the often mundane-ness of every day life to being thrown into a new world where you are now a single mother trying to figure out what to do next. Suddenly you are in an alternate universe where worry seeps into every inch of your body and your heart can't seem to stop aching for your husband and friend.
My heart is breaking for Elizabeth. I can't even imagine being in her shoes. A different life has been unexpectedly thrust into her lap. It makes me want to hold tight to the gift of each day that is "normal." It makes me so greatful for my husband and that I get to enjoy simply another day with him.
It is times like this that remind me of the love and encouragement from Above that becomes so plentiful when we are in a dark, deep trial. It is wonderful to be able to cling to the knowledge of our loving Savior and his amazing plan of salvation that he created for us. And to know that He is watching over all that we do. No matter what trials we may face in life, no matter how we may not really deserve that guiding, comforting hand at times, He's still there.
So, I know things are going to be ok for the Menlove family. Not the kind of "ok" I'm sure they had always envisioned, but the kind of "ok" that is so good...the kind of "ok" where you are going to learn much more than you ever anticipated and that will give you the potential to become that much stronger and that much better. That is the power behind change.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Blessing Day
Today was blessing day for Joshua.

How fortunate we were to be surrounded by loving family on this important day. Jeff's mom and step dad were there. As well as my entire family - although Scott was late and didn't get to stand in the circle.

Jeff's blessing was beautiful. He told Joshua that he would be an example to those around him. And that he should learn from others examples as well. That he should learn from the mistakes that we have made so that he will not make the same mistakes. He blessed him that he would go on a mission, and get married in the temple and someday have a family of his own.

Our biggest blessing is having this little guy in our lives. We are so greatful for him. We are lucky to have him in our family and has made it complete. We couldn't love him more.
How fortunate we were to be surrounded by loving family on this important day. Jeff's mom and step dad were there. As well as my entire family - although Scott was late and didn't get to stand in the circle.
Jeff's blessing was beautiful. He told Joshua that he would be an example to those around him. And that he should learn from others examples as well. That he should learn from the mistakes that we have made so that he will not make the same mistakes. He blessed him that he would go on a mission, and get married in the temple and someday have a family of his own.
Our biggest blessing is having this little guy in our lives. We are so greatful for him. We are lucky to have him in our family and has made it complete. We couldn't love him more.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Don't forget
As a new mother you quickly learn that there is nothing as sweet and pure as a new spirit from our Heavenly Father. And you can't help but have some of that rub off on you while you are holding a little baby in your arms.

I have often wondered how thin the veil is for a baby. To me it seems like heaven eminates from every pore just like that wonderful newborn baby smell. Here is one of my favorite stories that helps illustrate that point. A mother had recently brought a newborn home from the hospital. Not long after, her three-year-old sister said, “Mommy, can I go in and see my baby sister?” The mother replied, “Surely, take my hand.” The little girl replied, “No, I want to go alone.” So the mother opened the door to the nursery and stood by the door watching her little daughter. The little girl approached the crib, looked down at her little sister and said, “Tell me about Jesus. I’m beginning to forget.”
I have often wondered how thin the veil is for a baby. To me it seems like heaven eminates from every pore just like that wonderful newborn baby smell. Here is one of my favorite stories that helps illustrate that point. A mother had recently brought a newborn home from the hospital. Not long after, her three-year-old sister said, “Mommy, can I go in and see my baby sister?” The mother replied, “Surely, take my hand.” The little girl replied, “No, I want to go alone.” So the mother opened the door to the nursery and stood by the door watching her little daughter. The little girl approached the crib, looked down at her little sister and said, “Tell me about Jesus. I’m beginning to forget.”
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Life with two
A little over a week ago, July 1st to be exact, Josh turned 3 months old. I once again survived the newborn stage.
It seems like milestones are something so many moms look forward to. I was one of those moms too, with Juliette. But something was different for me this time. With Joshua I seemed to sink into a baby bliss. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to soak in this baby enough. His expressions. His curled up body. His little noises. Surprisingly, while dealing with a newborn, I was hit with wanting another newborn. I am not anxiously looking forward to his next milestones. I just want him to stay little.

Don't get me wrong. I was in love with Juliette from the start too. But as a new mom, never having raised a baby before, there were many days I didn't think I was going to make it. I learned that the days may go by slow, but the weeks and months fly by with lightning speed. I also learned that if you don't take it one day at a time, all the years ahead can seem overwhelming.
So I guess I am truly greatful to Juliette for teaching me about the greatest and most important thing I have ever attempted in my life - being a mother. She made me realize what I wanted to be when I grew up, and that I could enjoy being just a mom.
Those three little words used to bother me - just a mom. But now I love that that is what I am. And I wouldn't trade being just a mom for anything in the world.

Before having Josh, I heard many pros and cons of having a second child. Thankfully it has turned out much better than I could have ever hoped for. I know there will be plenty of crazy days in our future. But I can't help but look at these two faces and smile - because I love them both so much. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
It seems like milestones are something so many moms look forward to. I was one of those moms too, with Juliette. But something was different for me this time. With Joshua I seemed to sink into a baby bliss. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to soak in this baby enough. His expressions. His curled up body. His little noises. Surprisingly, while dealing with a newborn, I was hit with wanting another newborn. I am not anxiously looking forward to his next milestones. I just want him to stay little.
Don't get me wrong. I was in love with Juliette from the start too. But as a new mom, never having raised a baby before, there were many days I didn't think I was going to make it. I learned that the days may go by slow, but the weeks and months fly by with lightning speed. I also learned that if you don't take it one day at a time, all the years ahead can seem overwhelming.
So I guess I am truly greatful to Juliette for teaching me about the greatest and most important thing I have ever attempted in my life - being a mother. She made me realize what I wanted to be when I grew up, and that I could enjoy being just a mom.
Those three little words used to bother me - just a mom. But now I love that that is what I am. And I wouldn't trade being just a mom for anything in the world.
Before having Josh, I heard many pros and cons of having a second child. Thankfully it has turned out much better than I could have ever hoped for. I know there will be plenty of crazy days in our future. But I can't help but look at these two faces and smile - because I love them both so much. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Run Like A Mother

After a gentle suggestion (from Jeff), he bought this book for me. At first glance, I thumbed through it with a lot of trepidation and some hope. I have never considered myself a runner. My last race was almost three years ago. At that time I felt like I still had some athletic mojo. Jeff has always had it. And in the past three years he has really taken to the road, and I have taken to the couch. I think he was wanting to do something for me to help get me inspired.
The pull to stay at home with the kids and do nothing is very strong. But I know that running makes me feel more powerful, competent, strong and optimistic. Being away from it for such a prolonged amount of time, has really pushed this into the shadows of my mind. I needed some motivation. Because, really, who wouldn't rather sit at home and hold a sweet little baby?
This book was just what I needed. These women are real and honest. Their training tips are great because they are rooted in an understanding of all the things moms use as excuses NOT to run. They somehow got me itching to start lacing up my shoes again.
Their gentle nagging and encouragement to make exercise time non-negotiable reminds me of the wise message I hear at the beginning of every airline flight, "Please secure your own oxygen mask first, then help your children put on theirs."
So I am determined to become a runner again. I will be starting out with a lot of walking and jogging. I am already one week into my couch to 5k running plan. It is helping me get off the couch and on the road again. I am trying to ease back into running gradually. I know that I can't start off too fast, or my body will rebel and I will wind up miserable. But I have a feeling that I am going to get impatient and be tempted to skip ahead in the program. I have two months to go. So, in the mean time, I will keep running like a mother.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Number One
Happy father's day to my number one guy! I thought I would share just how great my husband is.
More often than not I take my husband for granted. There are SO many things that I appreciate about him. It can be easy to forget those things that make him so special to me and our children and to realize that not every father is willing to be the kind of man that he is to us. I want to honor Jeff by telling you what kind of man he is.

He provides for us. He takes care of us by working diligently and does the kind of work that goes above and beyond. He knows how to take the initiative and think out of the box. He is not just waiting around to be told what to do. He is amazingly smart and always has great ideas. And he is willing to work hard and sacrifice so that I have the opportunity to stay at home with our children. I feel honored that he has made that a priority in our lives.

He takes time each day to really spend indivudual time with the kids and play with them. He tickles and wrestles with Juliette and chases her around the house. He is willing to carve out time in his busy schedule to take her to the park or swimming or riding bikes. He is always willing to involve her in whatever he is doing. He is also active in the little things too, like changing diapers, getting someone dressed or brushing teeth.
He helps around the house. I am terribly spoiled with him cooking dinner every night. Did I mention that he is like my own personal gourmet? He is even willing to help out with cleaning and doing laundry. He also makes sure that things around the house are taken care of.
More often than not I take my husband for granted. There are SO many things that I appreciate about him. It can be easy to forget those things that make him so special to me and our children and to realize that not every father is willing to be the kind of man that he is to us. I want to honor Jeff by telling you what kind of man he is.
He provides for us. He takes care of us by working diligently and does the kind of work that goes above and beyond. He knows how to take the initiative and think out of the box. He is not just waiting around to be told what to do. He is amazingly smart and always has great ideas. And he is willing to work hard and sacrifice so that I have the opportunity to stay at home with our children. I feel honored that he has made that a priority in our lives.
He takes time each day to really spend indivudual time with the kids and play with them. He tickles and wrestles with Juliette and chases her around the house. He is willing to carve out time in his busy schedule to take her to the park or swimming or riding bikes. He is always willing to involve her in whatever he is doing. He is also active in the little things too, like changing diapers, getting someone dressed or brushing teeth.
He knows how to set goals. And once he does, watch out, because he is one of the most determined people I know. He is also supportive of my goals and treats me like he's my biggest fan. I love that he takes care of me and will sacrific sleep so that I can.
He is the spiritual leader of our family. He places his trust in Heavenly Father. He honors his preisthood. I am extremely grateful for his faith and how he always exercises it.
I totally trust his judgement and always seek out his advice and counsel. He knows what is important in life and prioritizes the important stuff. He really is the best parenting partner I could ever ask for. He sees all the things I miss and instinctively knows how to fix them.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Keeping Secrets
It is no secret that I have a new boyfriend. He is easy going and loves to snuggle. He doesn't mind getting kissed every two minutes and smells as sweet as honey. He does have a receding hairline and dandruff, and has the occasional acne breakout. But I don't mind. I don't even mind that he likes to keep me awake at night to get some love.
But I have to tell him thank you for letting me get to bed a little earlier - because I think Jeff was starting to get jealous.

He has the most beautiful blue eyes that will melt your heart when he gazes lovingly at you and smiles. But he still gazes lovingly at lights, ceiling fans and trees too.
He tries to tell me all of his secrets, but unfortunately I think they will remain a secret. Too bad, because I think he knows some good ones.
I am not the only one who is in love. Juliette has a serious crush this little guy too. She has to constantly be kissing, touching or holding him. I often will ask her to give him some space, but she always tells me, "I can't, because I just can't stop kissing him!

Today as we were driving to church she informed me, "Mom, Josh has a booger that is playing peek-a-boo." She then proceeded to ask if her finger was too big to fit in his nose. Now that is some serious sisterly love.
We can't seem to get enough of this new man in town. And we are enjoying every minute of it.
But I have to tell him thank you for letting me get to bed a little earlier - because I think Jeff was starting to get jealous.
He has the most beautiful blue eyes that will melt your heart when he gazes lovingly at you and smiles. But he still gazes lovingly at lights, ceiling fans and trees too.
He tries to tell me all of his secrets, but unfortunately I think they will remain a secret. Too bad, because I think he knows some good ones.
I am not the only one who is in love. Juliette has a serious crush this little guy too. She has to constantly be kissing, touching or holding him. I often will ask her to give him some space, but she always tells me, "I can't, because I just can't stop kissing him!
Today as we were driving to church she informed me, "Mom, Josh has a booger that is playing peek-a-boo." She then proceeded to ask if her finger was too big to fit in his nose. Now that is some serious sisterly love.
We can't seem to get enough of this new man in town. And we are enjoying every minute of it.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
So about a year ago I decided to start a blog. Partly out of peer pressure ("everyone's doing it!") and also as a motivator. I figure that I have so many goals that I want to achieve -both daily and life goals - that if I put some of them out there, I might be more accountable to attempting to reach them.
I love to start projects...I rarely finish projects. I have high standards for parenting...I rarely meet my own standards. Hopefully I will now be motivated to fulfill my own goals.
Let's see how long this will last!
I love to start projects...I rarely finish projects. I have high standards for parenting...I rarely meet my own standards. Hopefully I will now be motivated to fulfill my own goals.
Let's see how long this will last!
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